November 08, 2016 2 Comments
This 3 card tarot spread for past-present-future was drawn on Election Day! Here’s what the cards say...
The past is the Devil or Capricorn Card, showing us the reality of our political climate the last year, caught up in chains of physical duality, dividing the United States into extreme polarities of political thoughts. Ask yourself, how have you confined your own reality into limited or polarized thinking? The Devil card reminds us that things are not as they seem, and we shouldn’t judge or limit our thinking to face value or polarities.
The present card is the Two of Winds, The Crossing or Moon in Libra. The swords are crossing at the center as though to say, “Let’s call a truce, between our political parties or personal beliefs, and go forward working together.” This card exemplifies balance and reminds us to find this golden mean for ultimate peace.
The future card is Emperor or Aries, launches us into new leadership both personally and universally. This shows political progress, trailblazing us into unknown territory with new leaders bringing innovation and radical change. This is not just lip service, but action that manifests beliefs and values. It is advising you to find that instinct or sixth sense within, allowing it to catapult you forward into new and progressive change.
November 09, 2016
Hi! I am wondering what deck this is, it looks beautiful. Thank you for the reading.
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November 15, 2016
I believe the deck is Voyager Tarot by James Wanless